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Gardening Tips – How To Choose The Right Bulbs For Your Garden  


Gardening Tips – How To Choose The Right Bulbs For Your Garden

One of the great things about fall in Austin Texas is that we still have plenty of warm weather to look forward to but, there's going to come a day where the temperature will drop and this will be a stark reminder that winter is right around the corner.

Thankfully, with some warm weather look forward to this also represents an excellent opportunity for every homeowner in the area to get in their garden and prepare it for spring by planting bulbs In November.

Why plant bulbs in November?

The main reason why you want to plant bulbs in November, in Austin, is you want to give them plenty of time in the ground so that they can prepare to start rising up between February and March.

If you're wondering when exactly you should you plant those bulbs, the answer to this question is simple. You should plant your bulbs right around Thanksgiving because, doing so will give them plenty of time to get them in the ground before we start having a cold snap and, doing some extra gardening work during Thanksgiving holiday will also give you the exercise that you need to burn off those Thanksgiving calories. 

What types of bulbs should you plant?

Okay, so you're ready to plant bulbs but you're wondering which types of bulbs you should plant. The answer to this question is you should be looking for bulbs in packages that are marked Zone 8. The reason why you want to look for bulb packages with this marking on them is because these types of bulbs are designated specifically for the Austin area.

When choosing bulbs you should purchase bulbs that are sold in paper bags and avoid looking for bulbs that are soft, moldy, or bruised.

Another important to consider when planting bulbs is that you should ideally plant bulbs in a spot in your garden that gets plenty of sunlight and warmth even during the winter months. Keep in mind that the soil should also be well-drained so you may want to take the time to test that soil before planting bulbs by using a tiller or another tool to break that soil up, which will ensure that it's ready for you to start planting.

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