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Remote Working Tips during COVID-19

This pandemic has us all hunkered down. Most of us are working from home, some of you for the first time. We hope y'all are staying safe and healthy, we wanted to provide you with a few helpful tips while we navigate through these trying times. 

Create a Work Space

 Find a space where you can focus and are furthest from distraction. NEVER work from bed! It becomes difficult to fall asleep when you mix your work space with your resting space. Make sure your space is pleasant and comfortable. 

Set Routine Hours

Set hard start and stop times and don't forget to take breaks! Don't just roll out of bed in your pajamas and try to juggle laundry while your laptop and cold coffee await you and your work. Be diligent about time blocking. Too many distractions? Invest in some noise cancelling headphones. Turn off notifications on your phone and don't forget to eat lunch, drink water and if you can go for a short walk everyday! 

Standing Desk

Get creative! The stand up/sit down method isn't just great for productivity it alleviates lower back pain associated with sitting all the time. Try some small table top add on's to heighten your desk (small boxes, foot stool, smaller table). Use the kitchen counter or create your own. 

We have these standing desks in our office we ordered from Amazon, only $119.

Set Micro-goals

Write it down. Nothing is more permanent then pen to paper. Be realistic about your situation and make a list of achievable goals.  Check them off as go, it feels good! Stick your schedule somewhere where everyone can see it so your family knows your dedicated work hours. 

Take a break

Take breaks. Go for a walk. Set reminders on your phone or fit bit. Roll out your yoga mat, take mindful mediation moments throughout your day to keep your energized and focused when you return back to work. Another great idea is to transfer your commute time to intentional rest time. The minutes or hours you may have been in your car spend those reading, writing, or exercising. 

Do you have the tools?

Does your company rely heavily on daily or weekly routine meetings? Be sure to set up ZOOM for virtual meetings. Keep projects moving forward using apps like Trello, Facebook workplace and SLACK for communication. Company culture - talk to your team and find out when it's appropriate to email, chat, or pick up the phone to discuss those project details. Keep a clear set of guidelines for meetings, habits, and events to keep people communicating. 

Stay Inspired

It's easy to get distracted but it's even more of a bummer when the motivation leaves you. Stay connected to your creative mind and forward motion with podcasts, books, music, join Facebook groups for support and get outside for some fresh air when you can. 

Take some time for self care

Right now is the perfect time to do something for yourself. Relax in the bath with some Epsom salt and essential oils or give yourself a mani/pedi. You can also try some meditation techniques to really get in the mood. Check out this great guide on meditation for beginners to get started. Additionally, it may be a good time to get some rest. Grab your favorite pillow and blanket, plop on the couch and binge watch your favorite movies. 

Stay Safe. Stay Healthy

We know these times can be trying. We are here for YOU! Real Estate needs aside, if you need food or assistance please don't hesitate. 

We're in this together ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥